Wednesday, February 6, 2013

12th house moon

Having a 12th house moon makes someone ultra sensitive to other people and energy. When my grandfather died, I had a nightmare and woke up in a panic. I've only seen my grandfather a handful of times in my entire life. Was not at all close to him. The last time I saw him was probably about 10 years ago. Since I don't speak my native language, it was hard to even communicate with him when I did see him.
My nightmare was simple but it was terrifying. I was in a room, I heard a man calling out for help. The man didn't speak English, He was dark, I couldn't make out what ethnicity he was. He wasn't young. Another younger man and woman were holding him down. They had a cup of something they were trying to get him to drink. They held open his mouth and tipped the contents of the cup down his throat while he was screaming and resisting. I started screaming out for help because I saw that the cup was full of screws and nails. I screamed: "Help him!!! Somebody help him!!!" but there was no one around. That's when I woke up. I immediately googled "celebrity death" and "death" to see if someone had died. While I was doing this, my mom called and she told me my granddad had just died, very suddenly, in the hospital.
My granddad had no health problems, nothing was wrong. I decided not to tell my mom about my dream at that moment. I asked her how it happened. She told me he must have had a stroke at home and my grandma drove him to the hospital where he later died.
I am sure something happened in the hospital. The doctors and nurses gave him the wrong medication or made him choke or something. But I can't prove this because my grandparents lived 100000 miles away on their own.

Another example is that when I am close to people, I feel what everyone else is feeling and it causes total confusion. For this reason I hate sitting in lectures or other gatherings or public areas when I am trying to concentrate. When I am in a lecture I sit at the very back so that I can have at least one seat empty between me and the next person. I explain this to my friends as having a mild form of claustrophobia. Otherwise, I get so distracted by everyone else's energy that I cannot concentrate.
I think this is the main reason why 12th house moons need a lot of alone time and meditation. It's to get everyone else's energy out of their systems and to get a hold of their own feelings. Being with other people overstimulates me and it takes energy for me to deal with it. It makes me tired. I feel more than their words when they speak to me, I can feel their moods and their neuroses, everything about them. Their fears and dark stuff, even their sexual energy. I have a huge personal space bubble and I don't feel comfortable when they lean in to whisper in my ear. I can bear it if the person is 2 feet away, at least. Any closer and whatever they say to me doesn't sink in as well because their energy field is too distracting.

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