Wednesday, February 6, 2013

12th house moon

Having a 12th house moon makes someone ultra sensitive to other people and energy. When my grandfather died, I had a nightmare and woke up in a panic. I've only seen my grandfather a handful of times in my entire life. Was not at all close to him. The last time I saw him was probably about 10 years ago. Since I don't speak my native language, it was hard to even communicate with him when I did see him.
My nightmare was simple but it was terrifying. I was in a room, I heard a man calling out for help. The man didn't speak English, He was dark, I couldn't make out what ethnicity he was. He wasn't young. Another younger man and woman were holding him down. They had a cup of something they were trying to get him to drink. They held open his mouth and tipped the contents of the cup down his throat while he was screaming and resisting. I started screaming out for help because I saw that the cup was full of screws and nails. I screamed: "Help him!!! Somebody help him!!!" but there was no one around. That's when I woke up. I immediately googled "celebrity death" and "death" to see if someone had died. While I was doing this, my mom called and she told me my granddad had just died, very suddenly, in the hospital.
My granddad had no health problems, nothing was wrong. I decided not to tell my mom about my dream at that moment. I asked her how it happened. She told me he must have had a stroke at home and my grandma drove him to the hospital where he later died.
I am sure something happened in the hospital. The doctors and nurses gave him the wrong medication or made him choke or something. But I can't prove this because my grandparents lived 100000 miles away on their own.

Another example is that when I am close to people, I feel what everyone else is feeling and it causes total confusion. For this reason I hate sitting in lectures or other gatherings or public areas when I am trying to concentrate. When I am in a lecture I sit at the very back so that I can have at least one seat empty between me and the next person. I explain this to my friends as having a mild form of claustrophobia. Otherwise, I get so distracted by everyone else's energy that I cannot concentrate.
I think this is the main reason why 12th house moons need a lot of alone time and meditation. It's to get everyone else's energy out of their systems and to get a hold of their own feelings. Being with other people overstimulates me and it takes energy for me to deal with it. It makes me tired. I feel more than their words when they speak to me, I can feel their moods and their neuroses, everything about them. Their fears and dark stuff, even their sexual energy. I have a huge personal space bubble and I don't feel comfortable when they lean in to whisper in my ear. I can bear it if the person is 2 feet away, at least. Any closer and whatever they say to me doesn't sink in as well because their energy field is too distracting.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Venus conjunct moon synastry

Moon person feels that venus person is very sweet. Venus person is just being themselves.
Venus person feels nothing but the fact that moon person likes venus usually leads to mutual admiration.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pluto having the 'upper hand' in relationships, what does it actually mean?

I advise people to stay out of heavy pluto type relationships because they generally cause a lot of unneccessary pain. 

First thing to look for in synastry:

An imbalance in pluto contacts

If you are online looking up someone's natal chart, there is a good chance you are probably already slightly obsessed with this person. The first thing to look for is an imbalance in pluto contacts. What does this mean? If the persons pluto contacts any of your personal planets sun, moon, mars, venus in particular, and your pluto does not contact any of theirs, then they, simply put, will effect you. They have power over you. There is no way you can win except by recognizing this and walking away at the start. Pick your battles. They may or may not try to exercise this power depending on what kind of person they are (this can be seen from their natal chart). So how does this play out?

Their pluto, your sun (conjunction, square or opposition)
Pluto is everything subconcious and hidden and...dark. Think of what the sun represents. Light, illumination and clarity.  Your presence is going to illuminate their dark side. Whatever their dark side may be. This doesn't necessarily have to be obsession, although for a lot of people it is. It can also be anything negative that they have been trying to keep under concious control.
For example, if they have alcoholic tendencies and are struggling with this, having you around will make it worse. They will tend to drink more.
If they were raised in a controlling way, and have been repressing negative childhood memories, this will come up. They might become controlling toward you to reinact the negativity and attempt to purge themselves of it.

The thing is, they will be acting at a suboncious level and can therefore walk away when are done purging, transformed, while you, the sun, are also transformed in that you feel like you have just witnessed something dirty and negative. Something that you cannot "unsee". It's like walking in on your parents having sex when you are 10 years old. That's Pluto, you're innocent. Did you really have to witness that? Nope. Was it neccessary for your spiritual growth? Nope. Pluto doesn't care. It just transforms you, most times for the worse. Not a good thing.
Also keep in mind that pluto is not a personal planet. Therefore the pluto person will feel nothing after vomiting all the negativity in your face. Run away!!!

Their pluto, your moon. (Conjunction, square, opposition)
This is a bad one because your feelings are involved. In many cases it will seem like the Pluto person is trying to manipulate your feelings in any way they can. That is how you, as the moon will experience this aspect. They could be the nicest person in the world to everyone else. You might also be flattered by the obsession. You might be flattered at the "crazy" way  in which they act when they're around you. Because people only act crazy when they are in love right? They must feel for you too. Guess again. They only thing pluto is doing is acting like a bipolar schizophrenic with tourettes syndrome. Does someone like that know what they are doing? No. Run away even faster!

 More later!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Faithful signs and aspects in the natal chart

Indicators of someone's capacity for faithfulness when looking at their horoscope:

Earth heavy charts: "I don't want to waste this relationship"
Most personal planets in capricorn, taurus or virgo - see above
Most planets in fixed signs: If you look at someones chart and they have most planets in Scorpio, Leo, (Aquarius) or Taurus, and no uranus, this person is probably a keeper. They are the ones who marry their high school sweethearts and stick with them for life.
Moon in taurus, virgo or capricorn *
Venus or mars in virgo/taurus/capricorn*
planets in the 8th house*:
(*unless in aspect to uranus)
Saturn types
Sun saturn, moon saturn, venus/mars saturn
(*unless in aspect to uranus)

These people will cling to established relationships. Til death do you part. They may find it hard to show affection/splurge on you however, even though they love you.
In general, earth signs in personal planets are faithful, more out of laziness, conservatism and a need to build solid foundations, than anything. Unless there are aspects to uranus, security is a big need for these signs. Throw some Uranus in hard aspect (conjunction, square, opposition) to personal planets (sun, moon venus mars and to some extent, mercury)in any natal chart and all the security stuff goes out the window, but you won't know when where, or why.
Building things of value and sticking to them comes naturally to earth signs. Taureans are known for not giving up and being stubborn. The hardest thing for a moon in capricorn/taurus/virgo to swallow is to know that all the effort they put into building the relationship was wasted. Once these people have dedicated themselves to a relationship, they generally won't move, because they just can't. The longer it lasts, the less likely they are to leave. If you cheat on one of these signs, they will be most likely to stay with you after the initial "shit hits the fan" stage, because they are comfortable with routine more than anything.

Scorpio types: "You are the only person I want to be with" 
Generally faithful. For different reasons than the earth signs, that is emotional security. The only thing is that they are intense and require so much devotion and loyalty. Many get scared by all the intensity of it and want to run away. However, if you are into passion and intensity then, perfect.
Scorpio sun, moon, venus, or mars (*unless in aspect to uranus)
Moon-pluto conjunct, square, opposite. Because their emotions are so intense, they don't enter relationships lightly. Emotional ties are heavily invested and hard for them to sever.  

More later!

Cheating aspects in the natal chart

Disclaimer: The following is information based on personal experience. After being cheated on 3 times in a row I think I can attest to the fact that I am becoming quite an expert on the topic of cheating. However, I encourage people to try to come to their own conclusions and, as always, to take astrology with a grain of salt.

There are many reasons for cheating obviously, revenge, etc. but the ones that kind of come out of the blue when everything was going along fine, and thus are the biggest blows to someones ego are:

1. Boredom and entitlement complex of the cheater: Aquarius (uranus), leo (sun).
2. Curiousity (Gemini/Sag)
3. Weakness and lack of ability to say "no". Confusion. (pisces influences)

Without further ado, I present...(drumroll)... cheating aspects in the natal chart, in order of importance (i.e. most likely to cheat):

Uranus aspects to personal planets:
Since Uranus rules Aquarius, and aquarians tend to feel superior to the rest of humanity, people with uranus in aspect to personal planets in their chart generally do NOT like being tied down to one person. (They are, after all, a water bearer, and the rest of us mere mortals must feel grateful for the knowledge they pour out on us). We should feel special if they are to spend any time with us at all. (More about aquarians in another post)

*This is a hot one, as it can override even normally "loyal" aspects/signs. For example, if the person has a sun in scorpio or a venus/mars in virgo, a significant uranus influence in the chart can throw things out of wack.

Personal examples:
Moon square uranus (ex bf #3) - Since the moon rules feelings, and Uranus rules crazy, the person can never make up their mind about how they feel about a significant other. Hot/cold. Warning - this can drive a normal person completely insane. The crappiness of this aspect is magnified x100 if moon is in an unstable sign like pisces. Pisces in general are a crappy sign, I simultaneously hate them and feel sorry for them,  more on this later.

Venus square uranus (mum who cheated)- person feels superior and needs lots of freedom in love. Needs variety and stimulation. Low boredom threshold. Should you try to curtail their freedom, they will make you and your kids' lives miserable and you will not want to be around them anyway.

Gemini influence in personal planets
Venus/mars in Gemini
This one is slightly more innocent, although that would probably be of no consolation if you find your venus in gemini partner in bed with another.
Geminis are less arrogant than aquarians, so their motives for cheating would be more along the lines of "sorry I can't help myself, I have ADD and cannot physically concentrate on more than one thing at a time".
Personally I think it is how these people are physically wired. A gemini ex for example, would not be able to sit still/lie down for too long, otherwise he would get a headache.

To be continued...